Training Requirements are the criteria that Learners must satisfy to complete a curriculum. They are used to create Training Assignment tasks for Learners. For example, you might create a Vault Document Training Requirement to review the Employee Conduct Policies as part of the General GxP Documents curriculum. Learners in the General GxP Documents curriculum receive Training Assignment tasks to complete the required training.

Training Requirement Types

While some training requirements may require a simple Read & Understood signature for completion, others may include additional paths for learning and certifying completion. Training requirements may also include a combination of training types. For example, a Learner may need to review a video, read and understand supplementary material, and then complete a quiz to demonstrate knowledge. Note that once you create and save a training requirement, you cannot change its type.

The following training requirement types are available in Quality Basics: Training:

  • Vault Document Training Requirements: This training requirement type allows Learners to review one or more assigned documents and record their signature to verify they have done so. These training requirements can span multiple Vault documents and can include document, video, and audio files. You cannot add multiple versions of the same document to a Vault Document Training Requirement.
  • External Training Requirements: This training requirement type allows Learners to complete training on content or topics that occur outside of Vault. For example, an organization may require that Learners complete a third-party online course or receive an external certification. Managers and Training Admins can verify that a Learner has completed the training assignment before it is set to the Completed status.

Training Requirement Recurrence

If you want a training requirement to repeat regularly, you can select Relative or Absolute recurrence options when creating the training requirement. Vault uses these recurrence rules to automatically issue training assignments to Learners on a recurring basis to help refresh their knowledge and maintain compliance.

Relative Recurrence

With this recurrence type, Vault issues training assignments at different times for different Learners based on the recurrence settings you select. The following options are available for relative recurrence:

  • Recurrence Based On: This option allows you to select whether you want the task assignment to recur based on the task’s Assigned Date or Completed Date.
  • Time Until Recurrence: This option allows you to enter the number of months or years you want Vault to use when calculating the Next Training Date for this task.
  • Time Unit for Recurrence: This option allows you to select Months or Years as the unit you want Vault to use to calculate the Next Training Date for this task.

As an example, a training requirement uses the following settings: Recurrence Based On: Completion Date; Time Until Recurrence: 1; and Time Unit for Recurrence: Year. In this example, the Learner previously completed this task on August 15, 2023. Based on the selected options, Vault calculates the Next Training Date by adding 1 Year to the August 15, 2023, completion date. The calculated Next Training Date for this task assignment is August 15, 2024.

Absolute Recurrence

With this option, Vault issues training assignments at the same time for all applicable Learners based on the recurrence settings you select. The following options are available for absolute recurrence:

  • Time Until Recurrence: This option allows you to enter the number of months or years you want Vault to use when calculating the Next Training Date for this task.
  • Time Unit for Recurrence: This option allows you to select Months or Years as the unit you want Vault to use when calculating the Next Training Date for this task.
  • Next Training Date: When you initially create a Training Requirement, this option allows you to select the first training date. Vault uses the Time Until Recurrence and Time Unit for Recurrence settings to calculate subsequent training dates.

As an example, a training requirement uses the following settings: Time Until Recurrence: 6; Time Unit for Recurrence: Months; and Next Training Date: June 1, 2024. In this example, Vault assigns the first training assignment to Learners on June 1, 2024, and sets the Next Training Date to six (6) months later on December 1, 2024. Vault sends the next training assignment to Learners on December 1, 2024, and sets the Next Training Date to six (6) months later on June 1, 2025. This occurs every 6 months based on this example’s selected recurrence settings.

Creating Vault Document Training Requirements

Complete the following steps to create a Vault Document Training Requirement:

  1. Navigate to Training Admin > Training Matrix > Training Requirements.
  2. On the All Training Requirements page, click Create.
  3. In the Create Training Requirement dialog, select Vault Document Training Requirement from the drop-down and click Continue.
  4. On the Create Vault Document Training Requirement page, enter the Name of the training requirement and enter an optional Description.
  5. From the Owning Department drop-down, select the department that owns the management of this training requirement.
  6. Enter the Time Allowed for Completion and select the Time Unit for Completion. Vault uses these fields to calculate the training assignment due date. For example, if you enter 30 and select Days, Vault assigns a due date of 30 days from the assignment date.
  7. Enter the Estimated Minutes to Complete for how long you estimate Learners will take to complete the training assignment.
  8. For the Quiz Required field, select one of the following options:
    • Select No if a quiz is not required to complete the training.
    • Select Yes if Learners are required to pass a quiz to complete the training assignment, and then select the Quiz Design.
  9. Optional: Select Allow Self-Enrollment if you want to allow Learners to enroll themselves in this training requirement. The training is only available for self-enrollment if the Learner is not already enrolled in the training requirement.
  10. For the Does this Training Requirement Recur? field, select Yes if you want the training to recur on a regular schedule, or select No if you want only one instance of this training to be assigned per Learner.
  11. If you selected Yes, select Relative or Absolute from the Recurrence Type drop-down and enter the necessary recurrence information according to the type you selected.
  12. Optional: If this training requirement uses LearnGxP content, select LearnGxP on the left panel, select the LearnGxP checkbox, and enter the Continuing Education Unit (CEU).
  13. Click Save. Vault saves the training requirement in the Initiated state and displays additional sections for entering training requirement information.
  14. Expand the Training Materials section and click Add to open the Select Training Documents dialog.
  15. Select the document checkbox for one or more documents that you want Learners to interact with when completing this training assignment.
  16. Click Save
  17. Expand the Curricula section and click Add to open the Search: Curriculum dialog.
  18. Determine whether to add the training requirement to an existing curriculum or a new curriculum:
    • To add it to an existing curriculum, select the checkbox for the curriculum.
    • To create a new curriculum to add the training requirement to, click Create, enter the curriculum information, and click Save. Vault creates the curriculum and selects it in the dialog.
  19. Select or create any additional curricula you want to add the training requirement to by following the steps above.
  20. Click OK. Vault adds the training requirement to the selected curricula.

Creating External Training Requirements

Complete the following steps to create an External Training Requirement:

  1. Navigate to Training Admin > Training Matrix > Training Requirements.
  2. On the All Training Requirements page, click Create.
  3. In the Create Training Requirement dialog, select External Training Requirement from the drop-down and click Continue.
  4. On the Create External Training Requirement page, enter the Name of the training requirement and enter an optional description.
  5. From the Owning Department drop-down, select the department that owns the management of this training requirement.
  6. Enter the Instructions for completing the training assignment. Ensure that you include all relevant details such as time, place, prerequisites, and, if necessary, a description of the proof of completion.
  7. Optional: Enter the Training Link where Learners can access external training materials or courses. Ensure that you enter the full URL, for example,
  8. For the Proof Required field, select Yes if Learners are required to upload proof that they completed the training assignment. Select No if Learners are not required to upload proof of completion.
  9. For the Verification Required field, select Yes if training completion must be verified by a manager or Training Admin before the training assignment can be set to Complete. Select No if verification is not required.
  10. Enter the Time Allowed for Completion and select the Time Unit for Completion. Vault uses these fields to calculate the training assignment due date. For example, if you enter 30 and select Days, Vault assigns a due date of 30 days from the assignment date.
  11. Enter the Estimated Minutes to Complete for how long you estimate Learners will take to complete the training assignment.
  12. For the Quiz Required field, select one of the following options:
    • Select No if a quiz is not required to complete the training.
    • Select Yes if Learners are required to pass a quiz to complete the training assignment, and then select the Quiz Design.
  13. Optional: Select Allow Self-Enrollment if you want to allow Learners to enroll themselves in this training requirement. The training is only available for self-enrollment if the Learner is not already enrolled in the training requirement.
  14. For the Does this Training Requirement Recur? field, select Yes if you want the training to recur on a regular schedule, or select No if you want only one instance of this training to be assigned per Learner.
  15. If you selected Yes, select Relative or Absolute from the Recurrence Type drop-down and enter the necessary recurrence information according to the type you selected.
  16. Click Save. Vault saves the training requirement in the Initiated state and displays additional sections for entering training requirement information.
  17. Expand the Curricula section and click Add to open the Search: Curriculum dialog.
  18. Determine whether to add the training requirement to an existing curriculum or a new curriculum:
    • To add it to an existing curriculum, select the checkbox for the curriculum.
    • To create a new curriculum to add the training requirement to, click Create, enter the curriculum information, and click Save. Vault creates the curriculum and selects it in the dialog.
  19. Select or create any additional curricula you want to add the training requirement to by following the steps above.
  20. Click OK. Vault adds the training requirement to the selected curricula.

Changing Training Requirement States

When you first create a training requirement, it is in the Initiated state. You must change a training requirement to Ready for Use before it can be used to create training assignments. When a training requirement is no longer applicable and should not be used to assign training, you can change its state to Retired, which cancels any open training assignments associated with the training requirement.

Complete the following steps to change the state of a training requirement:

  1. Navigate to Training Admin > Training Matrix > Training Requirement.
  2. On the All Training Requirements page, click the Name of the training requirement you want to update.
  3. If the training requirement is in the Initiated state, select Mark as Ready for Use from the Workflow Actions menu, and click Start in the confirmation dialog to confirm the state change. Vault changes the state to Ready for Use and allows it to be used to send training assignments.
  4. If the training requirement is in the Ready for Use state, perform either of the following actions:
    • To change the training requirement back to Initiated, select Move to Initiated from the Workflow Actions menu, and click Start in the confirmation dialog to confirm the state change. Vault changes the state to Initiated. Changes made to the training requirement are not in effect until you change the state back to Ready for Use.
    • To change the training requirement to Retired, select Mark as Retired from the Workflow Actions menu, enter the Retirement Reason in the dialog, and click Start. Vault permanently changes the state to Retired and cancels any open training assignments associated with the training requirement.

Editing Training Requirements

Complete the following steps to edit a training requirement:

  1. Navigate to Training Admin > Training Matrix > Training Requirements.
  2. On the All Training Requirements page, click the Name of the training requirement you want to edit.
  3. Ensure that the training requirement is in the Initiated state.
  4. Click Edit and update the training requirement information in the Details section as needed.
  5. Edit the recurrence information as needed. The following message is displayed in the Recurrence section: Updating the Recurrence section could impact any open or closed Training Assignments.
  6. Click Save. Vault saves your changes. If you updated the recurrence options, Vault updates the training assignments with the new recurrence rules on each Learner’s most recent training assignment, whether that assignment is opened or closed.

Editing Training Materials for Existing Training Requirements

If you want to edit training materials in an existing training requirement, you must first set the training requirement back to Initiated. You cannot add or remove learning materials when the training requirement is in the Ready for Use or Retired states.

If a training requirement has at least one open training assignment, Vault displays the Impact to Training Assignments dialog when you attempt to add or remove training materials. The dialog displays the number of Learners that will be affected by the change and allows you to update settings for how Vault manages the open training assignments when you save your changes to the added training materials.

  1. Navigate to Training Admin > Training Matrix > Training Requirements.
  2. On the All Training Requirements page, click the Name of the training requirement you want to edit.
  3. Ensure that the training requirement is in the Initiated state.
  4. Expand the Training Materials section.
  5. Add or remove training materials as needed:
    • To remove a training material, select Remove from the training material Actions menu.
    • To add a training material, click Add to open the Select Training Documents dialog, select the checkboxes of the training materials you want to add, and click Next.
  6. Vault displays the Impact to Training Assignments dialog and lists the number of Learners that will be affected by the change to the training materials based on your current settings.
  7. Click the number of learners to open a list of affected Learners in a new tab.
  8. Click Edit Settings in the dialog and update the following settings as needed:
    Impact to Training Assignments Dialog
    • Should Learners with a completed Training Assignment receive a new one based on these updates? Select Yes if you want all Learners to receive a new training assignment. Select No if you want only Learners with an incomplete training assignment to receive a new one.
    • Should Learners with an open Training Assignment complete both their current one and the new one? Select Yes to keep the Learners’ current training assignments open. Select No to cancel the Learners’ current training assignments.
  9. After updating your settings, click Continue. Vault recalculates the number of affected learners based on your selected settings.
  10. Click the number of learners to view the updated affected learners in a new tab.
  11. Click Continue in the Impact to Training Assignments dialog. Vault updates the training assignments for the affected Learners based on your selected settings.
  12. Change the training requirement back to Ready for Use.

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Materials are training-optional documents a Training Admin includes in a Vault Document Training Requirement to provide context or a reference to Learners while they complete assignments for training-required materials, such as SOPs.

For example, an SOP references a job manual with 90 pages of step-by-step instructions for that particular process. A Training Admin creates a Vault Document Training Requirement, adding the SOP as Training Material and the manual as Supplemental Material. When Learners complete the SOP’s related assignment, the manual is optionally accessible directly from the assignment. This assists the Learner in completing the assignment, and increases awareness that there is a manual available for reference when following the SOP in their day-to-day work.

Best Practices

Best practices is to add only one (1) Training Material per Training Requirement. Vault treats all documents under the Training Materials section as one set; therefore, every time one document is revised, Vault requires re-training for all documents. If reference materials need to be added, use the Supplemental Materials section to add additional materials (i.e. job manuals, forms, slides, graphics).

Adding Supplemental Materials

Available only for Vault Document Training Requirements, the Supplemental Materials section allows you to add training-optional documents that are not required for a Learner to complete the Training Assignment. Content in the Supplemental Materials section is considered “live” and is not version-specific.

To add Supplemental Materials:

  1. Open the Training Requirement where you want to add a document as Supplemental Material.
  2. In the left pane, select Supplemental Materials.
  3. Click the +Add button to add a new document to the Supplemental Materials section.
  4. Use the Search:Documents dialog box to find the correct document from the Library.
  5. Select the document and click Submit to add the document to your Training Requirement, as a Supplemental Material.

Training Material Comparison

Supplemental Materials are always “live,” in that the documents a Learner sees at the time of viewing a Training Assignment reflects the eligible materials currently configured on the requirement. This is different from required Training Materials, a static group of version- and state-specific documents collected in a Training Content Set.

This means:

  • A Training Assignment of any status (open, closed, canceled) includes the currently-configured materials, even if that assignment was completed before the configured materials were created in the Library.
    • Open Training Assignments are updated immediately upon adding, updating, or removing a Supplemental Material. This feature does not rely upon the Update Training Assignments job to deliver different documents or document versions to new and in-progress assignments.
  • Learners are able to complete the assignment task (enter their electronic signature) without clicking on or viewing Supplemental Materials.
  • Updates to documents identified as Supplemental Materials for a given requirement do not trigger Training Requirement Impact Assessments. Training Admins should review Supplemental Materials when assessing impact for the required Training Materials.
  • A Training Admin can add any number of Supplemental Materials to a requirement, whereas Training Materials are subject to limits.


Supplemental Materials can only be added to Vault Document Training Requirements via the Vault UI; Supplemental TCS-Document object record migration is not supported.

Refer to Training Material Comparison for details on how optional Supplemental Materials are different from required Training Materials.