Who can complete this task?
  • Any user with access to the document library

There may be times when you want to export a listing of all, or a subset, of the documents in your library. For example, if you need to cross-reference a list of documents that have already been loaded into your Vault against a list of documents you still need to upload.

To export your library view:

  1. Navigate to one of the following:

    • In Vault Basics Clinical vaults, navigate to TMF Workspace > Library.

    • In Vault Basics Quality vaults, navigate to Document Workspace > Working Library.

    • In Vault Basics RIM vaults, navigate to Submission Mgmt > Library.

  2. Select Grid from the Layouts menu.

    Changing layout to Grid

  3. If needed, select Edit Columns from the All Actions menu to choose which metadata you would like to see in the export.

    Clicking Edit Columns

  4. Use the arrows to move the desired columns into the Selected Columns pane and click Save.

    Selecting columns and clicking Save

  5. Select Export > Excel from the All Actions menu.

    Clicking export to excel